Tuesday, April 13, 2010


I am so OVERLY blessed I don't even know how to express it. I'm a happy, weepy pregnant woman this afternoon and I LOVE it. The happy weepy moments help me open my eyes to the greatness around me.

Like this rambunctious, crazy baby girl in my belly that I can not wait to meet! She causes me so much pain in my back, hips, legs, and belly but I want to cherish these last few weeks of pregnancy. It's probably my last and I want to remember the sweetness of a moving child inside of me, the healthy little miracle growing INSIDE of me. There were moments in my life that I didn't think I would EVER have the chance to feel this. And now I've been blessed to do it twice!

For the gorgeous, extremely smart, talented little girl that is growing up quicker than I ever thought possible. I'm trying to use these last few weeks, before Emmalee gets here, to get in as much one-on-one time with Annagrace as possible. I want her to do everything with me! I am so excited for her birthday this weekend. At first, we were trying to keep it simple and just go to Chuck-E-Cheese but then it hit me - WHY?? This is her last one as an only child so we are doing a Fairy Princess tea party on Saturday. I'm still keeping it small but packing in as much little girl fun as possible. I'll be super busy on Friday, preparing for it, but it's so worth it! I can't wait to see her having fun with her little girl friends running around in fairy wings.

For my wonderful, supportive, loving husband who has really stepped it up and filled in for me and what I can't do right now. Even when he is sick he still takes care of Annagrace, cooks me breakfast and lunch, and brings me anything I need when I just can't make it out of bed. He rubs my back, pulls me up, helps me down, carries everything, and puts up with my constant complaining. I love him!

For my job and the fact that I don't have to do it right now! I had planned on working up to the week of delivery. But, I just didn't make it. The constant sitting in a desk chair became unbearable. So, I am home and enjoying every minute of it. I am overall a happier person, Mommy, and wife without that extra stress. And the best part is, I'm still getting paid thanks to my wonderful benefits and disability policy that I purchased.

For my parents who are always here to help me do ANYTHING that I need or want. They bring me food, medicine, love, physical labor and much needed breaks. They help entertain Annagrace for an hour or overnight. They cater to my pregnancy cravings, making and bringing me exactly what my belly is craving. They paint my walls, build me cabinets, sweep my floors, and pick up dead bugs. I honestly don't know how I would survive without them!

I could go on and on and on . . . .

Saturday, January 2, 2010


Wow, number 10 and my first one for 2010!
I am so extremely thankful for Tyler and the support that he is for me. I have random anxiety attacks about cleaning, organizing, even how a towel is folded (believe it or not). But, it seems like they are happening more often lately and I'm thinking that it must be pregnancy related. It's the time crunch that I'm under before this little girl arrives. Most pregnant women can't wait for the delivery, counting down the days. And, in a way I am. But, mostly I'm a little freaked out that I only have 4 months or less to get everything done! And I'm working which means I really only have half of that time at home. I have a craft room to put together and organize, a nursery to paint and decorate, a shed that needs to be cleaned out, a yard sale for cleaned out items, try to finish Annagrace's first year scrapbook . . . . I could go on and on.
When I revealed to Tyler the other day the anxiety I'm feeling from the time crunch he said: "What are you talking about. Look at what all we got done in a month before Annagrace was born. A tornado hit our house and you had everything repaired and ready when she got here."
Just what I needed to hear! I did do that, I am that strong and determined. I organized many different contractors and companies to have everything done in time. They were still installing our privacy fence while I was in the hospital. But, everything was done when we got home and that was my goal.
I'm sure I will still have many more attacks before she gets here, but with Tyler there I know that everything will be okay. He is my rock!